Straight needles are the classic needles that customer never tire of.
Seeknit straights are – like their other needles – made from the best, Japanese bamboo. They are available in several lengths, ensuring a perfect needle for every kind of knitting method and knitting project.

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These comfortable needles are available from size 2mm up to 12 mm - also in odd sizes. 1 wholesale package contains 5 pairs of needles. Retail price:  DKK 39,50 (2 - 6 mm) - DKK 62,- (7 - 10 mm.) - DKK 78,- (15 - 20 mm) - DKK 112,-  (12) pr. par. Short, straight needles are great for the Scandina ...more
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The long, straight needles are especially for those who knit with one needle under the arm. This knitting method is common in England, Spain, Italy etc. It is a method that requires larger gestures than the knitting technique commonly used in Denmark. 1 wholesale package contains 5 pairs. Retail p ...more
0 reviews
The long, straight needles are especially for those who knit with one needle under the arm. This knitting method is common in England, Spain, Italy etc. It is a method that requires larger gestures than the knitting technique commonly used in Denmark. 1 wholesale package contains 5 pairs. Retail p ...more
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