Dear yarnshop! Gepard make patterns for women, men, kids and babys for all our yarns. Here you see the patterns you can sell as prints in your shop. On the left you can filter for women / kid etc.. If you want to see patterns for a specific yarn e.i. Puf, use the searchbar at the top righthandside.

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Baby-/børneStrømpe, Vigerslev, Roskilde, Danmark. Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid  
60,00 DKK  Excl. VAT
( 75,00 DKK  Incl. VAT )
0 reviews
Strømpe, Vigerslev, Roskilde, Danmark. Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard, 2 ngl 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid  
0 reviews

Yarn: Merino Yak from Laines de Nord

Needles 5mm

0 reviews
A beautifully simple beanie that can be knitted in a solid colour or be an occasion to use you mohair leftovers. The beanie can be knitted either with one strand of our soft Pura Lana. or with a light wool such as My Fine Wool or Wild & Soft held together with Kid Seta. The stripes are made with ...more
0 reviews
The hat is worked in the round bottom-up, starting with a ribbed edge folded over, followed by the Sea Snake Pattern in stockinette stitch, with the top of the hat adapting to the pattern.The main color used for the ribbed edge, is a soft and sturdy fingering weight yarn type e.g. a thin sock ...more
0 reviews
The hat is worked in the round bottom-up, starting with a ribbed edge folded over and ending with extra length in the top. Make the hat with the rhomb pattern or basic in one color. Mix your own colors with yarn following options: A: a combination of Kid Seta and My Fine Wool with the two threads h ...more
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  Language: English and Danish
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      Language: English and Danish
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Candy is the pattern for a beanie that can be made in a night, but at the same time a great project for stash busting and/or to play around with matching the colours of many strands of yarn. Candy is also a great beginner's project – something not too big on big needles!
0 reviews
Design: Scarf in Fisherman's Rib Size: app. 190 x 20 cm. Materials: Romeo from Laines du Nord & Gepard - 100% pure wool, colour changing yarn Yarn estimates: 1 skein of 200g Needle size: 10mm
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Størrelse: 20 x 150 cm Materialer: CottonWool 3 fra Gepard Pinde: 4 mm

0 reviews
Vante, Arnborg, Danmark Tern Str. Dame - herre Materiale: Cashsock 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One eller UNI 6-trådet fra OPAL P. 2½ mm.
0 reviews
Strømpe, Lolland, Danmark Damaskstrik Rudere med Stjerner Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid  
0 reviews
Vante, "Thule", Færøerne Heila Stjørna Str. Dame - herre Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One eller UNI 6-trådet fra OPAL P. 2½ mm.
0 reviews
Hue, Sjælland, Danmark Damaskstrik Rudere & Stjerner Str. ½ år - dame Materiale: cashsock 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One P. 2 mm.
0 reviews
Strømpe, Cley, England Sømandstrøjemønster Str. 36 - 44 Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One P. 2 mm
0 reviews
Strømpe, Cley, England Sømandstrøjemønster Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid    
0 reviews
Strømpe, Falster, Danmark Damaskstrik Rudere A & B Str. ½ - 2 år Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One P. 2 mm.
0 reviews
Hue og halstørklæde i helpatent. Estland/Sverige - Runø, Vamsa Str: ung/dame S (dame M/L - herre M) herre L/XL Materiale: Sømandsgarn fra Gepard Forbrug: 2 ngl. á 150g Vejl. p. 4 og 5½mm til hue, 6mm til halstørklæde
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Only available in Danish
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Størrelse: 185 x 90 cm Materialer: Kid Seta fra Gepard Pinde: Hæklenål str. 4,5
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Størrelse: 120 x 86 cm Materialer: Kid Seta fra Gepard Pinde: 4½ mm
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Materialer: Kid Seta fra Gepard Pinde: 6 mm

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Størrelse: One size ​Materialer: Kid Seta fra Gepard Pinde: 4½ mm

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Only available in Danish
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Størrelse: 20 x 150 cm Materialer: Kid Seta fra Gepard Pinde: 4½ mm
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Only available in Danish
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Størrelse: 75 eller 145 cm Materialer: Kid Seta fra Gepard Pinde: 4 mm

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Vante, Sejerø, Danmark Mønster fra mandstrøje Str. Dame Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One P. 2 mm
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Vante, Ørre Lyng, Danmark Str. Dame - herre Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One eller UNI 6-trådet fra OPAL P. 2½ mm
0 reviews
Hue, Falster, Danmark Damaskstrik Rudere A & B Str. ½ år - dame Materiale: Cash Sock 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One P. 2 mm.
0 reviews
Hue, Telemark, Norge Ottebladsrose Str. 5 år - herre XL Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One P. 2 mm.
0 reviews
Hue, Setesdal, Norge Lusekoftemønster Str. 4 år - herre XL Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One P. 2 mm.
0 reviews
Strømpe, Irland Aran, kabelstrik Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One  
0 reviews
Strømpe, Sjælland, Danmark Damaskstrik med Rudere & Stjerner Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid  
0 reviews
Strømpe, Sejrø, Danmark Mønster efter mandstrøje Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One  
0 reviews
Strømpe, Harplinge, Sverige Damaskstrik Stjerner Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid  
0 reviews
Strømpe, Setesdal, Norge Lusekoftemønster A & B Str. Dame Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid Alternativt: Strong One  
0 reviews
Strømpe, Hordaland, Norge Stjerner Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid  
0 reviews
Strømpe, Davik, Norge Med svikkelmønster Materiale: Cash Sock fra Gepard 69% merinould - 6% cashmere - 25% polyamid  
0 reviews
Vante, Latgale, Letland Str. Dame - herre Materiale: Pura Lana fra Gepard og rester af Giunco fra Laines du Nord til farvecirklerne Økologisk uld og alpaca Alternativt: Dobbelt Cash Sock fra Gepard Strømpep. 2 & 2½ mm.
0 reviews
Hals inspireret af Vamsa fra Runø, Estland Str: onesize Garn: Vælg mellem: 4 ngl Cash Sock eller 2 ngl Sømandsgarn Vejl. p: rundpind gerne 80 cm, nr. 3 til Cash Sock, nr. 4 til Sømandsgarn

This category you’ll find a wide selection of patterns for socks, hats, mittens, scarves, baby blankets, etc.

In other words, there’s something for everyone, no matter which yarn or colour you want to see in your next project.

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